
marathon recovery

5 Ways To Run Longer Without Breaking

October 7th, 2022

3 Tips To Improve Your Speed and Endurance

September 8th, 2022

How To Properly Recover From Your Race

September 3rd, 2022

10 Oddball Halloween Races You May Not Have Heard Of...But You Should Consider

10 Oddball Halloween Races You May Not Have Heard Of...But You Should Consider

October 8th, 2019

Whether you are actively training for marathon season or you are feeling the weight of eating too many bite-sized candy bars, these spooky Halloween races are sure to get you excited for all of the ghouls and goblins to come....

When Hurricanes, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters Crash Your Race � What Are Your Options?

When Hurricanes, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters Crash Your Race, What Are Your Options?

October 1st, 2019

From wildfires to hurricanes, sudden snow storms and earthquakes, nature has an annoying way of impacting sports events, including races. What should you do as a runner...

7 Tips for Tackling Your First Ultramarathon

7 Tips To Help You Crush Your First Ultra Marathon

September 1st, 2019

Ratcheting up your training to 50+ mile weekend runs, devouring more than 5000 calories per day, losing a toenail (or two...) and going through twice as many sneakers is just the beginning.

Top Ten Boston Marathon Qualifiers

Top Ten Boston Marathon Qualifiers

April 26th, 2018

Taking part in the Boston Marathon is something that many individuals dream of but few actually achieve. Enthusiastic and passionate runners from all over the U.S. look forward to this event and thus prepare...

Ten Running Resolutions

Ten Running Resolutions You Can Achieve in 2018

February 4th, 2018

As each January comes around, almost everyone is primed and motivated to kick-off their New Year’s resolutions. Runners are no different. Perhaps more important than making a resolution...

What You Need To Know Before Sponsoring A Race

What You Need To Know Before Sponsoring A Race

January 25th, 2018

While sponsorships may seem like a great way to advertise your brand in front of thousands of potential customers, there will be a meager payoff if you insufficiently plan. When sponsoring a race, many business owners....

Running Inside vs. Outside: Is One Better Than the Other?

Running Inside vs. Outside: Is One Better Than the Other?

November 14th, 2017

"Going on a run" doesn't necessarily mean putting on your running shoes and hitting the road; it could also mean jumping on the treadmill at home or a fitness center....

Transition and Train from Short Distance to Long Distance Running Races

How to Transition and Train from Short Distance to Long Distance Running Races

November 2nd, 2017

As training theory continues to advance, exercise scientists and coaches are making constant efforts to unearth more efficient ways of transitioning and training from short...

10 Mental Health Benefits of Running

10 Mental Health Benefits of Running

October 9th, 2017

A lot of people pound the pavement or hit the treadmill to lose weight, build leg muscle, or improve cardiovascular health, but multiple studies show that running brings several mental health benefits....

The Myths of Carb Loading Before a Race

The Myths of Carb Loading Before a Race

October 4th, 2017

Carbohydrate loading, or carb loading, is a strategy used by endurance athletes, like marathoners, triathletes, hikers, etc. to prepare for the event by maximizing the storage of glycogen (energy) in their liver and muscles....