
Inclement Weather

5 Ways To Run Longer Without Breaking

October 7th, 2022

3 Tips To Improve Your Speed and Endurance

September 8th, 2022

How To Properly Recover From Your Race

September 3rd, 2022

Snow, Heat, Rain - How to Prepare for Races in Bad Weather?

Snow, Heat, Rain - How to Prepare for Races in Bad Weather?

February 27th, 2020

Training and Racing in poor or extreme weather conditions can test even the toughest and most veteran runners, triathletes, and cyclists. Figuring out the best techniques to overcome and even power through heat, rain, and cold will allow you...

When Hurricanes, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters Crash Your Race � What Are Your Options?

When Hurricanes, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters Crash Your Race, What Are Your Options?

October 1st, 2019

From wildfires to hurricanes, sudden snow storms and earthquakes, nature has an annoying way of impacting sports events, including races. What should you do as a runner...

7 Tips for Tackling Your First Ultramarathon

7 Tips To Help You Crush Your First Ultra Marathon

September 1st, 2019

Ratcheting up your training to 50+ mile weekend runs, devouring more than 5000 calories per day, losing a toenail (or two...) and going through twice as many sneakers is just the beginning.

Race Review (Sorta...) - Nation's Escape Triathlon

Race Review (Sorta...) - Nation's Escape Triathlon

September 11th, 2018

The Nation's Escape Triathlon in Washington D.C. was scheduled for today, September 9, 2018 in West Potomac Park, but was cancelled yesterday afternoon due to poor weather conditions and...

How to Prepare for a Race in Inclement Weather?

How to Prepare for a Race in Inclement Weather?

March 6th, 2018

There are a lot of things you can control about your training and preparation leading up to an event, but one thing you can�t control is the powerful force of the elements...

Five Ways to Beat the Weather and Stay Fit Through the Winter

Five Ways to Beat the Weather and Stay Fit Through the Winter

February 14th, 2018

Running in cold, winter weather can be downright unpleasant, especially when it’s as frigid as it’s been over the last few weeks. Many of us want to slide into hibernation...

A Guide to Winter Marathon Training

A Guide to Winter Marathon Training

December 21st, 2016

If you find marathon training hard, training for a marathon during the winters will be quite intimidating. Stop worrying about mileage, as you now have to endure the weather and several other challenging factors....